Programming 3D | Prejury I

In this prejury we tried to represent our initial decisions to approach the site. Our initial design decisions are coming from the marble analogy. We thought that marble is a natural analogy that is related to our semester’s topic assemblage.

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term(s) with scapes

We were asked to choose one term from our studio’s ECO-docK and explore its potential to mediate between various scapes (earth, water, air, etc.) by introducing multiplicity of relations.

As you can see from my sketches below, I introduced relations by interpreting and exploring the potentials of the word ‘inhibitor’ and I made a definition according to all assemblage discussions.

‘An agent or a process that reduces or prevents the negative interaction between two or more unexpected ensembles.’

In the light of the discussions we’ve made in the studio about assemblage, I worked inhibitor both as an agent and a process. The main differences between them are their relations between scapes and their relation with the time.

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